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Podcasts and Video

The University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center podcasts and videos highlight our patient’s journey’s, information on how to face cancer by being prepared to ask the right questions, help with awareness and prevention tips and to share the latest discoveries and research news.

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Over the past four years the Rogel Cancer Center shared ways to prevent cancer, how to be prepared if learned you have cancer and what progress there is towards improving care or finding a cure for cancer through the 3Ps of Cancer podcast. Now we're expanding from these topics to share the individual faces of cancer; highlighting the early stages of cancer research and expanding awareness around not only common but rare cancers as well. This new series of podcasts is Cancer Aware. Take a listen, share with others and subscribe if you haven’t already. The more you know, the better prepared should you or someone you know find out they have cancer.

In addition, we've created videos to expand on our podcast topics.


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Don't miss our next podcast releases! Subscribe and listen for FREE on: Stitcher, iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts. The Cancer Aware podcast is a part of the Michigan Medicine Podcast Network.

Podcast Transcripts



Rogel Cancer Center Videos



May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month so we're sharing tips on how to be safe in the sun.
Visit our Skin Cancer Awareness webpage to learn more.


Browse our Video Playlist