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Spring, 2023

No one is ever prepared to learn they have cancer, but for Leah Koskinen the news couldn't have come at a worse time. She was living with her husband and young son in Canada -- and there was a good chance she might be pregnant.

When Cathleen Argyle learned she had breast cancer, she and her mother -- also a breast cancer survivor -- decided to undergo genetic testing. The results of Cathleen's test were positive: she had a mutation that increased her risk for cancer. But, the mutation didn't come from her mother. It came from her father.

Certain cancer treatments can affect fertility, but Rogel offers ways to preserve your ability to have children before starting treatment for your disease. Molly Moravek, M.D., outlines the options.

One of the unexpected challenges of a cancer diagnosis is how to talk about it with your family and friends. Families Facing Cancer program coordinator Madison McTevia shares some tips.

A monthly peer discussion group for those genetically predisposed to colorectal and other cancers has created connection for an often isolated demographic.

How a caregiver has navigated supporting her mother during brain cancer treatment.